List of all Coinpot Faucet

Hi, today Imma show you how you can gain crypto, Bitcoin,Dogecoin,Litecoin,Bitcoin Cash and Dash and goes to your account in

First of all register account here :

For claiming Bitcoin, here is the steps :

Then after creating your account, login with your account here :

Then click here
Complete captcha and poof, it goes to your coinpot account balance.

Next login here

Then click on claim from faucet. After that it will go here and scroll down till see this
Complete captcha and press claim now!. Goes to your coinpot account.
Next login here

Same as above, press claim now, complete captcha and poof. Got satoshis. You can tick run mining bonus to increase the amount of satoshis you claim but you need to keep the page open and running. The longer you left it the more mining bonus you gain.

Proceed to claiming DogeCoin

Login here :

Then as same method, click claim now, complete captcha. Gain doge.

Next go to Litecoin
Then login here

Same as above, claim, captcha, etc.

Next is Dash ! This faucet is new

Login here 


Then as above. Claim from faucet button

That's It. The only downside is there is no moonfaucet for Bitcoin Cash

So what you can do to gain BCH ?
You can just mine directly using your browser from you coinpot account !

By clicking here . Mine Bitcoin Cash
That's all folks. Thanks for reading