Moskov Mobile Legend Build

Moskov Build

Hello people, Today I'm gonna share my Moskov Build.

Moskov once was a really OP hero, and has been nerfed few times. Now, Moskov is no longer first pick hero, due to nerfed but still strong in the late game. He can easily wipe out the enemy if position correctly.

 First of all get Raptor Machete. I didn't not find new icon for this. 

Mobile Legends Raptor Machete 
Get midlane, and start kill creeps fast, then go jungle, then back to lane. Don't try to kill, just farm your item. This item is really good since you'll have regen every time you kill jungle monster and the most important get the 10stacks for killing jungle monster.
Next get Scarlet Phantom. You need speed and critical.
Mobile Legends Scarlet Phantom 
Keep on laning then jungle, laning then jungle quickly farm up your boots
Mobile Legends Swift Boots 
Then you can start help your teammates, but beware not to get killed in the process because Moskov is so squishy a few hit and die. 
Next get Berserker Fury 
Mobile Legends Berserker’s Fury 
With all this critical you'll ripping people out. Then we keep on next item.
 Next get Haa's Claws
Mobile Legends Haas’s Claws 
The reason I get Berserker first is you'll need critical first, then only you can heal yourself with all those lifesteal but since you can heal by killing jungle creep you can jungle freely.

Next get Blade of Despair, the butterfly ripped off.
Mobile Legends Blade of Despair 
Once you get this, you stun enemy and you'll be ripping them really hard. 

Optionally, you can sell Raptor Machete for 6th item.

You can get one of these :

Mobile Legends Demon Hunter Sword
Demon Hunter Sword

Mobile Legends Malefic Roar
Malefic Roar