Diggie Full Hero Guide
ID: 32294540(2048)
IGN: єи | εxcαℓ
Write Progress
UPDATE Added a video "Youtube Videos" Section
NEW Added "Disdain", "Egg Dance" and "Victory Prayers" Section
UPDATE Added more stuff in "CDR Tanky Build", "Reverse Time", "Time Journey" and "Time Bomb" Section
UPDATE Added "Heroes that can Escape" in "Reverse Time" Section
NEW Added "Young Again", "Time Bomb", "Reverse Time", "Time Journey" and "Skill Leveling Order" Section
NEW Added CDR Tanky Build
NEW Created this Guide
Table of Contents
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Nice Stuff
Other Guides
Young again
Time Bomb
Reverse Time
Time Journey
Battle Spells
CDR Tanky Build
Skill Leveling Order
Tips and Tricks
Her Fighting Abilities
Youtube Videos
Nice Stuff
Coming Soon
Other Guides
★ Highly Recommended ★
Lolita Full Hero Guide
Fanny Full Hero Guide | By RaiTo19
Young Again
Passive - Bird Mode
Time will reverse after death and Diggie will become an egg, movement will be possible and Diggie will receive all new chick abilities. The egg from cannot be targetted, after a period of time, Diggie will revive
Basically, if you get killed, you will turn into an egg and roam around the map. You can do several things even if you are dead, like spotting the enemy so they cannot ambush, doing little damage to enemies so they cannot recall, or even securing kills.
Time Bomb
Skill 1 - Bird Mode
Skill Desciption
Throws an alarm clock at the targeted direction, it will explode after a set amount of time dealing xxx points of magic damage in an area and stunning for 1.2s, damage scales with tick time ( during ticking, tap again to immediately detonate the bomb. If the bomb is detonated before 2s, it will only slow instead of stun.
The bomb will explode at 3s, will do maximum damage and stun enemy in the blast for 1.2s if allowed to charge for 2s. This skill is has low mana usage and cooldown, so you should use it as often as possible.
Skill 1 Demo
Everything in the area will be stunned, including Enemy Heroes, Minions and Jungle Monsters.
Area of Denial
You can use this Skill to clear wave, but most importantly, you can keep the target area clear so you and your team and do whatever they want without the enemy coming close
Aim Ahead
Since the Bomb needs 3s to fully max out the damage output, and the bomb as a travel time to the target area, you must aim ahead. Throw your bomb to the area where the enemy will most likely pass by. This can also be used to Area of Denial mentioned above. Detonate your bomb if the enemy is going to leave the bomb area, no point allowing your bomb to wait for 3s if no one is going to be damaged.
Reverse Time
Skill 2 - Bird Mode
Skill Description
Lock onto the target dealing xxx points of magical damage and slowing, after 3s the target will be pulled back into the set location and dealt xxx points of magical damage and slowed. If the enemy get too far away, they will immediately be pulled into the set location and be damaged.
Skill 2 Demo
This can be used for trapping the enemy for your team to follow up. The enemy roger tried to dodge and flee using his roll but got immediately pulled back because he reached the outside ring of skill 2.
Saving your Teammate
This can also be used for defensive purposes, to save your teammate from getting chased.
Heroes that can Escape
Some heroes can escape from this skill, below is the list of who and how they can escape
Data is provided by Hororo Chan, here is the Youtube channel
Diggie - Ultimate
Grock - Ultimate
Lancelot - Ultimate
Chou - Skill 2
Kagura - Skill 2 ( If timed right )
Hayabusa - Ultimate
Gatotkaca - Ultimate
Johnson - Ultimate ( Must turn into car first )
You can escape using arrival spell, but you must teleport far enough in order to escape
Time Journey
Ultimate - Bird Mode
Skill Description
For 2.5s surrounding allies will be immune to crowd control. During the casting, surrounding allies will be granted a shield lasting 5s
Ultimate Demo
This skill is the most powerful skill for your team, it has a long cooldown but when used at the right time, it can change the outcome of an engagement. This skill is basically a purify that is active for 2.5s for everyone in the area.
Helping Teammate to Escape
Do not hesitate to use your ult if your teammate is in trouble. With that said, however, do not use it mindlessly. Decide whether if you might need it later because one you use it the enemy might catch your other teammates while your ultimate is in cooldown
Using it at the right time
Your ultimate gives both purify and shield to your allies, so its a good timing to use it like above.
What happened
- Akai used his ultimate
- Zilong wants to flip my teammate
- Karina and Roger Jumps in while we are sticking together
The ultimate made Akai's ultimate and Zilong's flip useless, awhile the extra shield made my teammates more durable from Karina and Roger's attack. If i did not use my ultimate, where it's on cooldownn or i am dead, my whole team would not have won this fight.
Skill 1 - Egg Mode
Skill Description
Displays disdain at the enemy, dealing 5 true damage to surrounding enemies while letting out anger.
Read Skill 2 for more.
Egg Dance
Skill 2 - Egg Mode
Skill Description
Happily dances his hometown jig, dealing 5 true damage enemies and focuses them to stay and watch.
Not really forcing them to stay and watch, but this skill will sure annoy them.Because you are still doing some damage, they cannot recall or heal using the spell without getting interrupted.
Non Targettable
When you are in egg mode, you are not targettable. Enemy heroes, monsters, and even turrets cannot hit you. You will also not die ( for real ) if you went into the enemy's spawn.
Egg Kills
Sometimes if they are low enough you can even kill while in egg mode. It is even more likely if you have curset helmet as it deals extra magic damage.
Spotting for your Team
You can also reveal the enemy's location just by following them. This gives your teammates early warning of an ambush or finding low hp enemies for your team to finish off.
Victory Prayers
Ultimate - Egg Mode
Skill Description
Rolls on the ground praying for the enemy's base to explode immediately, legends say that this type of action has 0% success rate.
Basically a skill purely to annoy the enemies, read Skill 2 for more.
Battle Spells
Battle spells are used in conjunction with other skills, read about combos in the other sections
For chasing / Escape ( read other sections )
To support your team or escape if you are under attack or when in egg mode ( read other sections )
CDR Tanky Build
Focus on CDR in early game and tankiness in late game for extra damage and annoyness in late game
Item Selection Explanation
Magic Shoes for CDR
Dominance ICE for CDR, Att Speed Reduction and Armor ( Works in Egg Mode )
Courage Bulwark for more durability and team buff ( Works in Egg Mode )
Demon's Advent or Athena's Shield for more durability
Cursed helmet for durability and passive damage ( Works in Egg Mode )
Bloodthirsty King for extra HP on Cursed Helmet
Start off with 2 mana necklaces, and either get skill 1 first for poke, for skill 2 first for invading enemy jungle ( 3 man or more ). This build is not suitable for team that has not enough damage, as this build is focused on CDR and Tankiness for survival.
Tank Emblem / Roamer Emblem
Recommended Spell
Flicker / Petrify
Skill Leveling Order
Skill 3 > Skill 2 > Skill 1
These are individual combos you can ultilize with him. Try to be flexible and don't just follow the book ( this is the book ), take this guide as a reference.
Tips and Tricks
Coming Soon
Hero Fighting Abilities
Counter Ability - How much can you counter the enemy hero
Threat Level - How much threat does the enemy hero post to you, does not nesseary means doing damage to you, it also can mean interupting whatever you are doing
Laning Compatibility - How good you are laning with that hero
Coming Soon